Fri. Feb 14th, 2025
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Life around here is high in stress and low on finances. We don’t travel much, and usually have interesting disaster stories to tell afterwards. I recently subscribed to a subscription box service called Escape Monthly. Each month they send you a blue box full of wonderful products from different destinations around the world. We received luxurious candles, lotions, bath salts, and some great foods that were gobbled up the moment the arrived. All the products are sourced from the monthly destination and there is a travel guide included. I have many dreams of traveling to all the places my boxes described, and I know just what shops and locations to eat at and buy great natural or locally made products. Even my husband loved the boxes and what they contained.

“Escape Monthly is headed to Paris next. Inside this month’s box is delicious French cuisine, sweet bon-bons, and decadent beauty products… like this hand cream from the Institut Karité Paris that’s worth $26 dollars (that makes up for more than half the cost of this Escape).

This is just one of the 8 full-size French luxury products in this month’s box, including Rick Steve’s Pocket Paris guidebook—the best way to plan a dream vacation (like the one a lucky member wins every month!)?”


Luxurious items like this keep me coming back for more, and I love the anticipation of seeing what the next month will hold. Each box is a mini vacation into lands and places I may never get to visit, but each month also offers a sweepstakes for winning a vacation to that month’s “Escape”.  Use the code ALIEJUDD to got 20% off for life when you go to order, and order soon because Paris is only around until the 14th.

By Natalie

I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love to share what I learn and am constantly learning. My family lives with an Aspergers child, chronic illness and constant financial issues. I blog about this and ways to make life fun and fulfilling in spite of it all. I also blog with Sublime Media Connections, Kate and Kaboodle and several other amazing blog teams. I love what I do, but I am human and often make mistakes, which is why my motto is "muddling through".

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