Sun. Feb 9th, 2025
Palmetto Bay Plantation Pool
Palmetto Bay Plantation Pool (Photo credit: kopsahl)
Diving Pirate Point in Roatan, Honduras
Diving Pirate Point in Roatan, Honduras (Photo credit: hankplank)

I won a trip to the Palmetto Bay Eco Resort in Roatan Honduras. It is basically and island off the coast of Honduras with white sandy beaches, a butterfly and bird sanctuary, and great snorkeling and diving opportunities. I am so excited. At first I didn’t believe it. I received and e-mail saying:

“Good afternoon, and congratulations! You’re the winner of a year of a trip for two to the Palmetto Bay eco-resort in Roatan, Honduras, including airfare, from PureWow, Time Out New York!

(As a reminder, you entered here:

Your prize includes roundtrip airfare for two, a three-night stay at the Palmetto Bay Plantation hotel, massages, and breakfasts. ”

I must admit I responded with requested information rather dubiously, but after having corresponded back and forth now I am convinced that I get to take a dream vacation to the Caribbean!! I am super excited. Our 9th honeymoon is coming up, and this year has been a nightmare, so this trip is a dream come true! It also proves that you can win wonderful things, but you have to enter.

To see more about Roatan go to

I have never traveled out of the country, so our one dilemma is getting our passports in order in a timely manner. It is a lot harder than I expected, but totally worth it.

I would love to hear about others who have one contests or giveaways, or advice on obtaining a passport and traveling in Honduras. Please comment below.

By Natalie

I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love to share what I learn and am constantly learning. My family lives with an Aspergers child, chronic illness and constant financial issues. I blog about this and ways to make life fun and fulfilling in spite of it all. I also blog with Sublime Media Connections, Kate and Kaboodle and several other amazing blog teams. I love what I do, but I am human and often make mistakes, which is why my motto is "muddling through".

15 thoughts on “I won a Trip!!!”
  1. I’m so jealous! Congrats on winning. Im hoping Ill win something that big sometime soon. I could really use a vacation.

  2. oh wow!!! thats so amazing! i have never won anything that big before! i won a mattress topper that was over $200 and that i think is the most expensive thing. i bet you are gunna have a great time (or had if you already went) and if u havent i hope you have a great time your a hard worker and deserve it!:D also i ditto the above msg i enter so many giveaways to i wonder if i ever accidentally deleted one that said ” congrats you won” 😛

  3. Congrats! I won a trip to NYC a few months ago through a Ford sweeps and couldn’t believe it either. You will have so much fun!

  4. Congratulations!!! I enter so many contests and usualy only pay attention to the emails of the Blogs that I have subscribed to. I can’t help but wonder if I have ever deleted an email with a once in a lifetime win enclosed!!! 🙂

  5. Congratulations! I never actually see real ppl that have won trips like this! I only see a name on a website and wonder if they are real or if the sweep site just made up a name, lol. So happy for you! When is the trip?

    1. We have a dilemma in that we don’t actually have passports, which we need, and this month our check literally got lost in the mail, so we’re flat broke. It is an irony. As soon as we get our passports we will book the trip. I am going to pay extra to expedite the process. Our anniversary was yesterday, but we both worked all day. So, this is our 9/10th anniversary trip. It should be amazing.

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