Sun. Jan 12th, 2025

I am officially certified and licensed as a Health Coach. I will be building my website and offerings within the next couple of weeks, and am super excited to enter a new phase of health and wellness. I have a lot of experience with illness, and am determined to shift my focus, and my life to one of wellness. I may never be perfectly healthy, but I can still be well, and I am passionate about helping others. So much of what I learned was how our diet and lifestyle can affect our health, and that making simple changes can save our lives in a very literal sense. I love writing, and I love public speaking. I want to share what I know everywhere.

Secondly, I have decided that I need to take my passion for blogging to the next level. I will continue to offer giveaways and fun things on this blog, but that is its new purpose. I will be starting two new blogs, one for health and wellness, and the other about blogging, and marketing, and setting up events etc. I love managing things. I love traveling and speaking to groups, and I want to become an expert/mentor/guru in the field of blogging and creating a successful business. I have products that I have searched and tried over the years that I will be promoting, and I hope to partner with other professionals to offer some amazing services to people. One day I will be a sought after speaker and trainer for corporations, blogging conferences and marketing groups.

Thirdly, I believe firmly that diet and lifestyle played a role in my life’s course and my son’s current medical and mental struggles. I hope to re-route that path for all of us, and to join with those that are seeking prevention and a “cure”. I know that genetics plays a part in autism, ADHD, autoimmune disorders and even depression, but there are ways to mitigate the effects. If diet and nutrition can reverse degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer, it can play a role in autoimmunity and autism. I will find that role. I hope to become a certified yoga teacher or personal trainer. I hope to get a certificate or some kind of formal training in marketing, SEO, ROI and all the other blogging and marketing essentials, but mostly I want to get out there and travel and do as much as I can.

I have been in a huge slump this week. It seemed like I had no control over my life, and I had no idea which direction to go. I was trying to do things that I like, but that don’t fit with my ultimate goals and dreams. It’s funny, but those keep morphing as I learn. I will probably write other posts six-months from now narrowing my focus and sharing exciting news about people I am partnering with. I love that I can change and develop and continue to learn and offer new things to the world. Blogging and writing are ideal for me as they fit around my medical issues, and my tendency to not sleep on a regular schedule :). I will need to learn and read a lot, and I would love to get a better understanding and talent in graphic design, but maybe I can partner with someone there. Another part of my slump is with the brain surgery I was put on a lot of steroids so my body would heal correctly, which it has had a really hard time accomplishing. I have gained more weight than I ever thought possible. I don’t even recognize myself. The hard part is it wasn’t cravings, and overeating, or anything I did. It was inactivity, and steroids. The other problem is I will have to take steroids until my pituitary gland starts to work, or I die, so the weight gain issue isn’t going away. I felt like I had to wait until I was more fit, more skinny to be a health coach, so I kept putting it off. I realized today, that my journey to returning to my healthy, fit body is part of my coaching and will make me a better coach. So here are before and after pictures. They aren’t pretty, I’m not happy with them, but I am learning to accept myself where I am, and live with the newness of it all.




I had my disability hearing. The judge was mean and antagonistic. I think he will rule against me. We have to pay our bills somehow, and so I have to work. Hopefully this blogging deal will pan out, if not, I don’t know where to start next. I would love support, advice, and to partner with anyone who shares my vision. Here is my new bio (for now anyways). He suggested my son’s diagnosis of autism was “convenient”. After that it was all downhill. He gets to rule sometime this week. We’ll see if he changes his mind.

I have just finished my licensing and certification as a health coach and have a degree in Psychology. I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love public speaking and motivating people to become their best. My website newswahl is mostly for reviews, giveaways, coupons and other great offers. I have other sites where I blog about health and wellness, and I teach music, and offer private health coaching. My goal is to become an expert in the field of health and wellness and to create communities and movements that change the health of our children. I believe that autism, ADHD, and autoimmune diseases are linked to our environment, diet and lifestyle. I have struggled medically for years, my son is autistic and has ADHD and I have spent the last ten years working with children affected by those and other disorders. I want to spend the rest of my life finding solutions and preventing these disorders as much as is possible. There will always be sickness, but it can be addressed, and every child and adult can learn and change. So much of our life is in our control if we just realize it. My motto used to be muddling through. Now it is creating Joy.

By Natalie

I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love to share what I learn and am constantly learning. My family lives with an Aspergers child, chronic illness and constant financial issues. I blog about this and ways to make life fun and fulfilling in spite of it all. I also blog with Sublime Media Connections, Kate and Kaboodle and several other amazing blog teams. I love what I do, but I am human and often make mistakes, which is why my motto is "muddling through".

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