Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

*I was asked to review this product and received the app for free as well as payment for this post. As always, the views and opinions expressed are my own, and I would never recommend a product that I did not support and enjoy.

ICE Blackbox App is an app designed to prevent bullying and other forms of assault. It is extremely easy to use, and easy to set-up. The app allows users to quickly dial 911, and to record the event which is then uploaded to a secure cloud network where predetermined contacts are instantly notified. GPS location is also recorded, and neither the victim, nor the assailant can delete the recordings.

ICE Blackbox - Media Ready Deckv2.2

I was impressed by how easy this application is to set-up and use. It instantly takes you to the recording and dial 911 screen once the set-up process is completed.  Bullying is something that we worry about a lot with our son because he has a disability and because he doesn’t always act in socially appropriate ways, or understand the play of other children. This application would allow him to record what other kids were saying and doing and for me to have instant access to that recording so I could intervene if necessary, or explain if it is a misunderstanding. If he were to get into a fight after school, or even during school hours, he would have the ability to call for help almost immediately, and with the recording feature, it makes it easier to identify the parties involved, and who did what without it becoming a “he said, she said” type of situation.

As a woman, I will keep this application on my phone for times when I am out alone as it will allow me to quickly dial 911 and record any dangerous situations and people who I might run into. This application also uploads GPS information to a secure server acting as  a witness, a way to call authorities and a way to be located in case of an emergency. Even a voice recording of an incident gives lawyers more to work with than a victim report. We live in a dangerous world where “normal” people cannot be counted upon to do the right thing, or to even be kind. Recent events in Boston have proven that we all need to be aware of our surroundings and take precautions to make sure our safety.

For those that don’t know, ICE is the acronym that emergency workers use to identify your emergency contacts. Everyone should have an ICE contact in their “contacts”. This is the person that you would want them to call “In Case of Emergency”. They also suggest that you keep medication information and ICE information in the “butter compartment” of your fridge so that they can find it quickly if needed. I keep ICE information in my wallet as well because I have many medical issues that could potentially make me unconscious and I require specialized care. This is not new, but this application puts you in immediate contact with your emergency contacts and helps to prevent problems from escalating. I am not the type of person to fight back. I lack the strength and ability, although I would fight with whatever means I could. I am the type to involve the appropriate authorities and gather as much evidence and information as possible to let officers and the justice system prosecute criminals. This ICE Blackbox application is perfect for that, and is an excellent way to ensure your child’s safety when they are away, and your own.

Here are some stats provided by the makers of ICE Blackbox.

  • Every day, 160,000 students skip school because they are afraid they will be bullied.
  • Every two minutes, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted.
  • One woman is beaten by her husband or partner every 15 seconds in the United States.
  • 97% of rapists will never spend a day in jail.
  • There is an average of 207,754 victims (age 12 or older) of sexual assault each year.

Please download your app through iTunes and connect with ICE Blackbox’s creators. The threat of being recorded is enough to deter most bullies and has already helped many children. Please help spread the word and protect yourself and your children.

By Natalie

I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love to share what I learn and am constantly learning. My family lives with an Aspergers child, chronic illness and constant financial issues. I blog about this and ways to make life fun and fulfilling in spite of it all. I also blog with Sublime Media Connections, Kate and Kaboodle and several other amazing blog teams. I love what I do, but I am human and often make mistakes, which is why my motto is "muddling through".

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