Mommies Point of View found at is my new blogging network. I am thrilled to be part of their group, and amazed at their professionalism. Busy Brandi just did an amazing logo, banner and other features for the blog Mommies Point of View. She did a beautiful job and offers inexpensive blog designs for those of us who can’t pay $100’s of dollars. She also offers premade blog designs that are beautiful and fun. You can find her designs, pricing and giveaways here:
Mommies Point of View is a great site for giveaways, product reviews and coupons. There are also blog posts from several different bloggers like myself on various parenting and other topics. I hope to take a large role in hosting a parenting question and answer forum, as well as conducting a book club. I would love to see your questions and book suggestions. Blogging is a unique world, and I have found that I love the complexity, and I love the writing. I never thought I was a writer, and I don’t write fiction, but I am great with science, and psychology, have read hundreds of parenting and self-help books and know my stuff. I also believe strongly that we are better as a community than individuals. Too often moms get isolated because of various circumstances. The internet is a great place to go for friendship and information, and it can be done before bed, at nap time, or whenever you need a break. Mommies Point of View is a great site for getting information about current products, entering to win free items, and enjoying the company of other mom’s trying to make it through the day. I hope you check it out, join our community, and become part of the discussions.
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Awesome info! Thank you!
Sounds great! If I decide to become more serious in my blogging, I will definately check them out.
So true… moms can get very isolated when our whole lives revolve around our kids. I also enjoy the internet as a way to connect. 🙂
glad to see someone as excited as i am to be part of the team. Look forward to working with you!!
Glad to see someone as excited as i am to be part of the team! Look forward to working with you!!