Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

My family loves Disneyland. We would gladly go to Disney World, and the Disney cruises if we had the funds. When I first got sick, it was imperative to me that I take my son and husband to Disneyland and create great family memories. As my sickness has dragged on that wish to create memories has not waned, but our finances have prevented us from returning as regularly as I would love.

We were fortunate to be able to take my son on two fabulous vacations to Disneyland, and we have great pictures, memories and family bonds from those visits. To us it truly is the “Happiest Place on Earth”. I would take my family back every year if I could. One day I may even get to take them over my birthday, which is the day after Christmas. I have always wanted to see Disneyland at Christmastime. Their maximum attention to detail and the magic of the place is inspiring. If I could make my home that detailed and imaginative I would.

So it is with some excitement that I announce a giveaway/promotion to you my readers. Pixie Vacations is giving away a Disney Vacation for 2013 plus other wonderful Disney prizes.
365 Days of Mickey Sweepstakes by Pixie Vacations
Please go here to enter:

Each week in 2013 one lucky winner will be drawn for a Magical Mickey. This is not an ordinary Mickey, each Mickey Mouse plush has a little extra magic. One lucky winner of one of these 52 magical Mickey’s will win a Four Day, Three Night stay at the Walt Disney World Resort with Four Days of Disney Park Admission for up to four adults.

Every week in 2013 Pixie Vacations® will be giving away prizes and magical surprises so be sure to return and enter weekly.

Also be sure to take advantage of the latest Disney Vacation Packages here at Pixie Vacations. If you are planning a trip to Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and Disney Cruise, or an Adventures by Disney Vacation, we will make sure to create the best Disney vacation package for you at the lowest possible price.

When I recover from my recent surgery, and IF we have the money, I will definitely take advantage of Pixie Vacations planning to get my family a great vacation. We would love to have breakfast with the characters, and I would love to stay in any of the Disney resorts, and we like to find all the little things that Disney has to offer. We especially love that they have gluten-free/dairy free offerings and that their cooks and staff are quite knowledgeable about all of that. It has made our visits a lot nicer.

Looking at the Pixie packages, my boys would love the Disney Star Wars Weekends Package.

Disney Star Wars Weekend Vacation Discounts

I would love to just go and create more memories now that my son is older and can appreciate some of the more “adult” rides more. Add to that the fact that Disneyland has added all new attractions since we last visited, and it is a vacation that is on our rosters. Maybe will let the Grandma’s come so Mom and Dad can go to Down Town Disney, or stay out late and see fireworks some nights. Either way, it is a vacation that I can’t wait to take again and again. 🙂

By Natalie

I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love to share what I learn and am constantly learning. My family lives with an Aspergers child, chronic illness and constant financial issues. I blog about this and ways to make life fun and fulfilling in spite of it all. I also blog with Sublime Media Connections, Kate and Kaboodle and several other amazing blog teams. I love what I do, but I am human and often make mistakes, which is why my motto is "muddling through".

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