Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way for this post or this giveaway. I chose the items I love, and am giving them to you, because I love winning things, and these are fun things to win! Regardless of sponsorship or connections all opinions on this blog are always mine, and are usually brutally honest.



The Fall Fashionista Giveaway Event is hosted by The Chief Blonde at Still Blonde After All These Years and Katy from  ModlyChic  K Squared Glamour is our co-host!   All Fashion!  Only FASHION event! Largest Fashion Giveaway event on the internet with $26,000+ in prizes, 100+ participating blogs and 3/4 million entries.  Each individual blog has a minimum of $125 prize!

For every giveaway in the Fall Fashionista Event that an entrant enters, they gain one entry toward the FALL Fashionista Events Main Event Prizes.  Go here to enter Main Event==> $1000 in Main Event Prizes  including a $300 prize from

My dear wonderful readers. I am late with this post due to an injury to my back. I moved a couch at the beginning of the week, slipped/injured/or pinched a nerve, we’re not sure yet, but I was in so much pain they’ve sent me home on morphine, and I’m not quite myself. Hopefully we’ll find the cause and a useful treatment soon, and the morphine won’t make me quite so loopy. In the meantime, I do have a fabulous giveaway for you all, and I have been preparing it for months. I hope you like it.


My fabulous prize for this year is a Guess Bag, a super secretive Prize Candle with a guaranteed jewelry gift, and just in case you don’t like the jewelry in there, I have a beautiful ring that is worth over $200 to sweeten the pot. I hope that a loyal blogger wins, and I encourage you to check out all the other fabulous giveaways in this event!

Just a final warning. I have extended my personal giveaway by a few days to make up for my late posting. The official end-date of the Fall Fashionista Event is the 9th so get your entries in soon!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Still Blonde after all these YEARS , Modly Chic, K Squared Glamour , Fall Fashionista Events Giveaway or the Fall Fashionista Events Giveaway bloggers are not responsible for sponsors/bloggers that do not fulfill their prizes or for any product failure or harm caused thereby.

By Natalie

I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love to share what I learn and am constantly learning. My family lives with an Aspergers child, chronic illness and constant financial issues. I blog about this and ways to make life fun and fulfilling in spite of it all. I also blog with Sublime Media Connections, Kate and Kaboodle and several other amazing blog teams. I love what I do, but I am human and often make mistakes, which is why my motto is "muddling through".

158 thoughts on “2013 Fall Fashionista Giveaway Event #FashionistaEvents”
  1. I am most excited about the Guess bag. I’ve never owned one before and am certainly due. Thank you. And i hope you feel better soon.

  2. Most excited about the super secretive Prize Candle because it could hold something wonderful & I like a good surprise!

  3. The Guess bag is really cool, (but I do like candles as well). I think gift baskets of all sorts of things, from beauty products to food or candy would be great future prizes.

  4. I love purses so the beautiful Guess Bag is my favorite, but I also
    love rings. All the prizes sound wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. I love the Guess Bag the most and am very excited.

    About your injury, if they send you to Physical Therapy call around and get someone who is either an orthopedic specialist (they have specialists in PT) or make sure the group is very familiar with back injuries. It’s nothing to mess around with.

  6. I’m thinking the Guess bag is what I am most excited over. As fun as the jewelry is, my fingers are fat and they wouldn’t fit:-( Bummer, right?

  7. I’d love to win the candle. I love candles and I’ve seen so many bags in this hop that at this point the candle is way more exciting. I’d love to see more giveaways for pet products and dog toys. Also for non-fiction books and plus-size clothing. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I love the mystery of the candle …. hope you feel better really soon. I can feel for you, I’ve had back problems for years all because I lifted a TV the wrong way.

  9. I am most excited about the diamond candle and I would love to see a giveaway involving nursing scrubs/shoes

  10. I am excited about the mystery ring, but the Guess bag is super cute! Hope you get to feeling better!

  11. I am most excited about the candle! I have a collection of Diamond Candles, but I have never heard of Surprise Candle before.

  12. I have to say that I’m addicted to handbags so that’s what I’m most excited about, but I think the whole package is exciting! I hope you feel better soon!

  13. Hard to decide – I love them all! You can never have to many bags but I love a surprise, so the candle it is. I hope you heal soon – back injuries are so very troublesome.

  14. I am excited about the prize candle – even if the jewelry’s worth basically nothing I love the surprise!

  15. I am excited about the Guess Handbag, the Ring, and the Jewelry candle 🙂 Ok so I guess that makes me excited about the whole package!!!! Woohooo! Thank you so much ♥

  16. I am most excited about the Guess bag. I love it!

    As for what I would like to see more of in giveaways? I’m not picky. I love it all.

  17. I’m really excited about the Jewelry Candle! I LOVE a surprise gift! Thank you for the AWESOME giveaway! I LOVE all three gifts! =)

  18. I hope you feel better. I feel your pain, as I lifted too many heavy boxes on a recent move.

    I am excited about your giveaway, especially the Guess Bag,

  19. I am a jewelry and bag nut. Love the orange on the bag. Very interested to know about the candle. I have heard of the jewelry candles but never had one.

  20. medicalsoup isn’t loading and I can’t find them on fb….any help would be great, thanks

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  21. i’m most excited about the candle and jewelry. I prefer the gift cards type prizes to fashionable/modern brands.

  22. Although I have been dying to try a candle, you got me with the ring, I would love to win that

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  23. I would love to win that prize candle (LOVE those things!) or that ring you were talking about-I’m a sucker for a good ring ^.^

    So sorry to hear about your setback. I hope you feel better soon! And thank you for this fantastic giveaway!

  24. I am most excited about the candle…and the ring 🙂 I love surprises. I truly hope your back gets better soon!

  25. Awe, I’m so sorry to hear about your back. I know all to well about that issue (I have degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, nerve damage and more, so not fun). I really hope that you’re able to fully recover and it’s a fast and not so sore one.
    As far as future giveaways, I would say maybe gift cards, paypal, amazon.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  26. Hard to choose which prize I am most excited about. I have been wanting a Jewelry Candle for months but that Guess Bag is gorgeous!

  27. Ouch! Hope you’re feeling better soon. The prize that I’m most excited about is the candle, because nicely scented candles and surprises are two of my favorite things (and jewelry’s not bad either!).

  28. I think the candle and ring sounds great to me and my daughter in law.. Love the scent of burning candles

  29. I’m most excited about the prize candle! As for future prizes, I always love the chance to get a new bag!

  30. i’m excited for all the prizes. i need a new purse and i like this one and i like surprises so i’m wondering what the ring will be and what is in the candle. 🙂

  31. I would be most excited to win the candle, though they are all great prizes. I have had back issues for years now, the pain is terrible when it acts up, sorry to hear you are dealing with that right now.

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