Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

My goal is to blog daily, but I’m still working on that. We’ve had a rough marriage with a pattern of medical and then financial difficulties. I am very hopeful that we are starting to see the light at the end of that tunnel, and am trying to focus on what life will be like when that is different.

First we want to adopt. Infants, a sibling group, slightly older children, we really aren’t picky. What we are is broke. 🙂 So we are saving and budgeting and working extra hard to not incur unnecessary expenses. My husband tutors most days of the week, and already has a summer job lined up. I am budgeting, meal planning, and working to create a blog and media business. I love blogging, and writing, so maybe I’ll freelance. There are lots of opportunities out there. If I get a lot better, then I will get to go back to teaching piano and violin, which is the job that I love. I am also looking for grants and organizations that help families like ours who want to adopt. If we adopt a sibling group, we would have to move, but the biggest part of adoption is knowing that you can provide long-term for the care of the children no matter how many there are, or what their needs may be. Having my son diagnosed as autistic has taught me a lot about preparing for your child’s future and not just your own. Maybe I’ll look into crowd-funding, or a button on my blog so you all can give. I know that we will adopt. I just really hope it is soon.

Spring break is this week for us. We are looking forward to sunny, even hot weather. My son and husband will be playing at parks, local museums and the YMCA. We were blessed to get a grant from them to make it so my family can afford a membership there. Ben will be thrilled. He loves to swim, and needs a place where he can go and run around and play a LOT! My husband and I both need the exercise. I have to wait a while before I can enjoy the full benefits of our membership, but it will be fun to get out of the house and do Yoga and Pilates there. I love swimming, and I can’t wait to try Zumba!

There are a lot of fun movies coming out. Despicable Me 2 has a new trailer. We love the movie, mostly because it is about adoption. It still makes me cry, which my son cannot understand at all.

Of course there is also Oz The Great And Powerful, which has gotten great reviews. I can’t wait to see it. We just saw an amazing performance of Wicked, and my son watched the original movie, so now we can watch OZ without too much confusion. Disney has an extended clip on Youtube that is fun!

And if you can’t wait, here is the opening.

Last, but not least is the youtube video that Mariah Carey produced for the movie.

And some fun games to play while waiting for the movie  to start. 🙂

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My son is looking forward to a whole different set of movies. He loves super hero’s and comic books, and with Iron Man 3 and GI Joe 2 coming out, we might just spend most of Spring Break catching up on great movies. image004

So there you have it. My family loves movies and watches way too much t.v. With so many movies to look forward to we’ll have to be savvy in other areas of our budget so we can have family fun time. Many of them will have to wait until they are released on DVD and then we will be in line to buy them. The best part about movies and books is that they can transport you to another world, and you can take that journey as many times as you like with all the media options available today. I think tomorrow will be pizza day too, and then we’ll have to plan how we’re going to approach Easter this year. When my son was diagnosed, I took him off of all dairy and gluten and then eliminated corn syrup and food dyes. He mourns the loss of candy, so we try to trade him for things like Lego’s and keep treats around that he can eat. It is a work in progress. I’ll be searching the internet for great replacement options and a fun, but really easy menu, as I might be up to cooking by then.

Happy Fun Friday Everyone!

By Natalie

I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love to share what I learn and am constantly learning. My family lives with an Aspergers child, chronic illness and constant financial issues. I blog about this and ways to make life fun and fulfilling in spite of it all. I also blog with Sublime Media Connections, Kate and Kaboodle and several other amazing blog teams. I love what I do, but I am human and often make mistakes, which is why my motto is "muddling through".

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