Fri. Feb 14th, 2025


Every year we set the goal to not go to the ER that year. I have failed every year. This year, both my son and I have had to go to the ER, and it is only January. It looks like were in for another exciting year. I learned that the position and size of the back of your skull can cause or influence all kinds of neurodegenerative diseases, like multiple sclerosis, so I get to see a neurosurgeon next week, which should be exciting.?.

Enough of the crazy medical that doesn’t even make sense to my doctor’s. If the contents of the above paragraph demonstrate anything it is that a lot of our health concerns are out of our control. However, there are many things we can do, and should do that can make a difference. The flu season is in full force and doctor’s offices, hospitals and ER’s are overflowing in Las Vegas. I am staying in. Those with young children, or with compromised immunity should stay away from public places for a while. It is important too to teach our children, and to practice good hand washing ourselves. Eating healthy, getting lots of rest, and exercise are also great ways to build immunity and prevent the flu and other illnesses.

I recently found a great Yoga center where I am able to keep up even with all my limitations and illnesses. It focuses a lot on clearing your mind and allowing your body to do the work. It has improved my fitness and my peace of mind. This particular type of yoga also focuses on brain/body connections and energy healing. It is called Dahn Yoga, and I love it. I have also started using DoTerra essential oils. I attribute the use of their product On Guard to the fact that I have remained well until now.

I have had it impressed upon me that my mental state has  a direct connection to my immunity this month as well. I allowed stress and frustration to overwhelm me and was very sick the next day. I had been doing a great job of keeping it at bay with Yoga and other methods. It is easy to be stressed in a world where there are so many problems and so much tragedy, but ultimately all we can control is ourselves. I am working very hard to regain that calm, happy state that I had throughout the holidays. It helps in dealing with my son who is autistic, and it is important for me to model that for him so he learns to manage his emotions. It is not easy, and I’m sure I will have many opportunities to practice.

So to help you all with your wellness goals and reducing stress and promoting wellness, I am teaming up with Great Saunas.


Great Saunas, located in Waterloo Ontario, has helped 1000’s of clients attain their wellness goals through detoxification, pain relief, relaxation and ultimately rejuvenation. Resolutions are unique, especially when it comes to our health. Infrared saunas provides health benefits to those who suffer from specific ailments, assists in reducing stress, and stimulates wonderful skin, keeping you looking young and radiant.

Great Saunas has teamed up with a eight Great North American Bloggers to giveaway an infrared sauna (retail value $2,400) to one lucky reader. Fill out the entry form below to qualify. Entrants must be 21 years of age or older and a resident of USA or Canada (Contest is not available to Quebec Residents) Contest ends the 14th of February 12:01 am EST.
Good luck!


Terms and Conditions:

By Natalie

I am a wife, mother and blogger. I love to share what I learn and am constantly learning. My family lives with an Aspergers child, chronic illness and constant financial issues. I blog about this and ways to make life fun and fulfilling in spite of it all. I also blog with Sublime Media Connections, Kate and Kaboodle and several other amazing blog teams. I love what I do, but I am human and often make mistakes, which is why my motto is "muddling through".

7 thoughts on “Closed: Sauna Giveaway and Healthy Habits”
  1. I want to be able to run at least a 5k sometime this year, and until a bad cold sidelined me a few days ago, I was well on my way. I’ve been working out more, but mainly, I’m trying to pay more attention to the foods I eat. Not just counting calories, but paying attention to foods that make me feel better.

    1. I am studying to be a health coach, specifically a nutrition coach. I would love to offer you a free consultation. We can do it over the phone, and it takes about 30-45 minutes. If you are interested, let me know. I can help you find foods that will aid you in your goals to stay healthy and such. 🙂

    2. I love that you are paying attention to what you eat. I am studying to be a nutrition coach, and we learn all the diets and theories, and it really is all about what makes you feel better. I would love to run a 5K, but am nowhere near being able to. Maybe in a year or so, if things go as planned. I don’t know if I will ever run a 5K, because things rarely go as planned, but I admire people who run, and love to support different charities. Keep it up! Thank you for the comment!

  2. I’m glad I posted then. I am at home most of the time due to the pain and other symptoms EDS and fibromyalgia (probably from the EDS) has caused so I am online a lot. I am looking for the same thing to foster a sense of community, though it helps now that my mom, sister and nephew are living with me. I have a friend who has Arnold-Chiari syndrome which affects the skull and brain. Sometimes it happens along with EDS. The faulty collagen can affect so much. I hope your friend knows more about it. I found a lot of info on the EDNF site and the Ehelrs Danlos Network site. Wikipedia even has a page with some symptoms up. The EDNF Inspire support group online has helped me a lot. Thank you for such a wonderful blog. i did enter the sauna contest! I haven’t tried one but I bet it helps sore muscles a lot. I love contests lol. Have a good day!

    1. Thanks for entering the giveaway. I enter a lot of giveaways too. It is something to do while I hang out in bed. The pain part of this whole illness thing is my least favorite. EDS does not sound like fun. I will continue to research it. I just had another MRI to confirm/discover whether I have the Chiari Malformation/Hypoplastic posterior fossa, which is essentially the same thing. It is all really new, so I’m behind in research and just about everything else. I would love to connect with you in more ways. I am a nutrition coach, and I would love to offer you a free consultation. It is part of my requirements for graduation, so you would be helping me out. If you are interested, please e-mail me at

  3. Have you ever heard of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome? It’s what I have and some of the things you have posted about made me wonder if it might be something you might want to check into. EDS is a genetic connective tissue disorder that causes the body to make bad collagen. I have the hypermobility type. I always knew I was double jointed but had no idea that it was a symptom of a genetic condition. Not a lot of doctors are very familiar with EDS because they consider it to be rare. My joints sublux (partially dislocate) and fully dislocate a lot. Gum issues and a high palate are mouth signs of it that I have. There are several good sites about it. I;m sorry if I bothered you but I wanted to make sure you knew about EDS.

    1. Susan,

      I have not heard of EDS, but I have a friend who suffers from a lot of symptoms similar to mine and has hypermobility. I will ask her if she has. She was studying medicine and knows quite a bit, but it is impossible to know every rare disorder. You have not bothered me. This is exactly what I want this site to be about. I am trying to create a place where discussion and truth can help people to find answers and solutions to what they are struggling with, whether it be physical, familial, or mental. Life is hard, and we have lost a lot of the sense of community that my parents and past generations had. I think we can recreate that online with those in similar situations, and hope to create a community with my blogs and other endeavors. I also want to make friends, have fun, and maybe win a few things. 🙂 Thanks for the informatin. I will look into it. I don’t think you are the first person to bring it up to me.

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